Wedding Tip Wednesday / Episode 1 / The Barn at the Ackerhurst Dairy Farm, Omaha, NE

Dee joined us for our very first Wedding Tip Wednesday. Play our very first episode to see what she has to say! BONUS – We filmed so much good content with Dee we added a second video explaining more in depth about the The Barn at the Ackerhurst Dairy Farm.

At The Barn we believe you should have the entire facility to yourself and your event should be the only thing happening that day!!!   You have full flexibility to design your event to what suits you best.   You have the farm grounds, the milking parlor, the haymow and the loft at your disposal.  Their in-house wedding planners will help you create a wedding that all of your guests will never forget!!


Find out more information about The Barn at the Ackerhurst Dairy Farm. The video below explains more about what is included with each rental and more!


Check out more information at


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